
I'm so Lucky

I'm so blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. I was talking to a friend the other day, and I told her that it is because of the love from those around that I will be able to be a good missionary. Without knowing what love is, I would not be able to share it very well. I still haven't packed yet and my mom is getting upset with me. She's getting stressed out really. But it'll all get done, I'm sure. Sometimes it doesn't seem real to me. But yesterday I got set apart as a missionary which mom frequently reminds me--being my pretend companion. It's probably good for me. Today, my niece Kate called and asked me if I was a missionary. I told her I was and she told me that she was so proud of me and that I was going to be a good missionary. I started to cry and then she told me again that she was so proud of me in her little 3 year old voice. I'm not sure if she understands completely what being proud of someone is, but I hope I can make her proud of me. I'll try to do my best, and give every day my all. I'm kind of nervous, though, because I understand my weaknesses. And I know it will be hard for me some days. I know I'm going to cry, but it'll be okay. And don't worry about me because I'll try to laugh everyday. I am so grateful for so many people who have influenced my life greatly. I hope one day I can return the favor. I love you.


My 21st B-day Memories

I woke up so happy this morning. I'm not really sure why and then as I walked through mom and dad's house I was reminded why... I have the funniest, cutest nieces in the world.
My sister bought me flowers yesterday for my b-day and they were on the table reminding. I am so grateful to have family and people who love me.
I got two cakes yesterday on from mom and one from Laurie and one even has my name on it. There is nothing better in life than chocolate with your name written on it. :) thanks.


Love me tender

Dave introduced me to this music video and I thought I'd share it. It's pretty funny.


My Roommates for a Month

I tried not to get too attached to these girls because after 2 weeks of living with them I knew I had to leave them. But they were pretty much amazing, fun girls. One of the best apartments I've been in yet my whole school career. I didn't know them very well, but I really liked what I did know of them.


After I went through the templeAll my cute family that was there at the temple

Jumping on Chanae while she was sleeping at the hotel

Me and Dave got to go to conference with Shane and my roommate Lacey(sorry I do know how to spell it, it's been a long week).


The Final Analysis

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of alternative motives.
Be kind anyways.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyways.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be hones adn frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight.
Build anyways.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give the world your best anyway.
You see in the final analysis, it is all between you and God and
never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa


Road Trip to Casper, Wyoming

I took a road trip with my friend Lacey to her house for the weekend and here are some highlights: We played tons of games all day with the fam...it was pretty sweet.
We decided to go running on night and it happened to be raining...we got soaked and then as you can see Lacey is trying to attack me.
We ran up this muddy hill and got mud all over, luckily the ran washed most of it off.
We're pretending to be tough. But I'm really just holding back laughter if you couldn't tell.


Mission Statement

For my English 111 class my freshman year my teacher had the class write a mission statement for what they wanted to accomplish that semester and in life. Since then I've wanted to write my personal mission statement so here's a rough idea of what it would be:

To never set limits on myself or others. To always be building up. To be open enough to allow change to occur. Live without regrets.


Count Down

38 Days until I leave....A rough Schedule:

first week: Stay in Rexburg (get my passport, shots, temple recommend, sell my housing contract, figure out refund for school, say goodbye)

second week: Transport from Rexburg to Rupert to Utah--Go through the temple (I think somewhere in Utah)--General Conference

third week: Fly to Ohio, Indiana (hang out with the sistas Oct. 10-17)

fourth week: Come home from Ohio and finish buying everything I need

fifth week: Talk in church (October 21), Celebrate my birthday (october 24), milk cows, visit family

sixth week: Say goodbye--Enter MTC (October 31)


My Mission

the orangish pink is my mission