

It took me 7 hours to sweep a floor today. I think I'm a slow sweeper. I would try to go fast but then I would get overwhelmed with all that was left so I concluded to just be steady because I didn't want to burn myself out. I did it though. I finished a job, I will only have to begin again tomorrow. haha.


Summer 2007 Job Idea

Work with Stephen Aston in creating a Web Design Business in Southern Idaho.
Step #1 - learn to create websites
Step #2 - get clienteles
Sorry Netty...does this make more sense.

My Project

Tell me how this looks, I took off all the logos as to whose it's going to be just in case I would get in trouble, you know. But I was just experimenting and so if it looks okay we may keep it, if not then it's gone and I'll just do another one. But I was just wondering everyone's professional opinion. It's not finished, not even close, just in the beginning stages.



Patience in self, patience in being, patience in living, patience with others. All these things are great treasures to possess. I'm learning that I probably don't have very much of any of them. Funny. Life will is going to be great because I know if I don't have these things I'll soon get them, huh. Beautiful.