
Last night while driving home, I was inspired to turn off the radio. Soon I became enveloped in millions of joyous thoughts and concepts of my life thus far. I am grateful for a living breathing body. I love it. I am grateful for my trials which can also be looked at as opportunities. I'm grateful for my family and their endless love for me even when I'm crazy, grouchy, tired, silly, and stupid. I love their amazing examples to me and their genuine friendships.
I followed the sunset last night and the whole time I was filled with an overwhelming amount of peace. I reminiced about past experiences and I remembered how much I truly love my imagination. I delight in not knowing what the future holds for me. It's great, I could do and become anything at this point in my life, and this unknow can be a little frustrating but still how lucky I am to be able to choose.
And at the end of all these wonderful thoughts I remembered riding the bus for hours. I don't know why this thought came to me but it did. And I even became grateful for Mrs. Moser and her crazy stand up hair who yelled at us everyday, and who would not change the bus route to drop us off any earlier because we were really her favorites but she never admitted it--she retired after we stopped riding. ahh--enough



It's about Connor peeing in the sandbox.
It's about losing children.
It's about Christopher's cute little laugh.
It's about Sid the sloth doing a fatal back flip while demonstrating the new Willy Wonka's theme song.
It's about the funny ideas and comments the kids come up with daily.
It's about singing a made up song as the kids jump on the jumping mat--it wasn't a very good punishment, we all enjoyed it too much.
It's about Kacie and her inward lonliness converting to outward hatred.
It's about Chase's non-compliance and yelling throughout class period in search for any kind of attention.
It's about Makyra coming to school every day with her clothes dirty, her hair tangled, she's drenched in smoke, and has almost no ability to communicate verbally with anyone.
It's about the girl, who looks like I did when I was little, causing me to reflect back on my own childhood--Man my life's been pretty good.


Yippee (haha funny word)

DAVID comes home in 24 days

VENITA comes home in less than 7 months

and a random cow picture...