
Mission Statement

For my English 111 class my freshman year my teacher had the class write a mission statement for what they wanted to accomplish that semester and in life. Since then I've wanted to write my personal mission statement so here's a rough idea of what it would be:

To never set limits on myself or others. To always be building up. To be open enough to allow change to occur. Live without regrets.


Count Down

38 Days until I leave....A rough Schedule:

first week: Stay in Rexburg (get my passport, shots, temple recommend, sell my housing contract, figure out refund for school, say goodbye)

second week: Transport from Rexburg to Rupert to Utah--Go through the temple (I think somewhere in Utah)--General Conference

third week: Fly to Ohio, Indiana (hang out with the sistas Oct. 10-17)

fourth week: Come home from Ohio and finish buying everything I need

fifth week: Talk in church (October 21), Celebrate my birthday (october 24), milk cows, visit family

sixth week: Say goodbye--Enter MTC (October 31)


My Mission

the orangish pink is my mission


Guess Where

Venita thought it would be fun to play a guessing game of where I will go on my mission. I don't really care to because it's not like anyone's opinion really matters as to where I go. But here we go. The person who guesses the closest wins:
Icecream--if you live close
Favorite candy--if you live far away


I'm Finished

On Sunday, I had my final interview with the stake president to be able to serve a mission. He said the papers should be sent in as of yesterday. All that is left is waiting...