

It's as though I am completely uncapable of determining my future. Thus fathoming fish came about. Lately fish have become a large part of my life. "Finding Fish" the book, "Take This Fish and Look At It" article by Samuel H. Scudder, Fly fishing, learning to swim, getting a pet fish, eating sushi and salmon, learning about fishers of men in the scriptures. They all have such great symbolism into life's mysteries. It's like they're creating a small light into my future life. And before all these random mishaps, I took a strange liking to the word fish. I'm intrigued where life will lead me. A bit fishy aye.


Kate said...

Ever seen Big Fish? Its one of those movies you might think is wierd but I loved it. Consider it though- big FISH!...

Kami said...

No I haven't seen it. I only heard weird things about it so I didn't really take the time to watch it. But, hey, one day in the near future I will watch it. Genius. That reminds me, I caught a fish once. Now that was a memorable experience. Yeah, the best.