

Lacey had a panic attack tonight. A full blown out panic attack. She complained about feeling sick all night. The first clue happened as she ate chips and salsa.

Standing in the kitchen Lacey's hands go weak and the bowl of full of salsa falls and stains the bottom of her pant legs. Three times this occurs each time staining a new spot on her jeans. This isn't normal for Lacey; Lacey's extremely fit and coordinated. However, no one thinks anything of this, and she continues her previously planned schedule for the night but with a more serious aura. I feel something is wrong with her, but I don't really think anything more than that. I yell at her to come and answer the door for some pretend missionary boys. On the way down the stairs her legs callapsed and she falls hard on to her knees, and then she slowly turns around and crawls back into her room, shaking the whole way back. She tries to get into her bed, but grasping her bedroom chair she falls onto the floor. Crying and shaking she lays on the floor helpless wondering if this is the end of her life.

I freaked out. I thought she was going to die. Erin called her Dad and he walked her calmly through the panic attack. I guess it runs in her family, but she's never had one before, so it was a new experience for all of us. Immediately, I called David and Devin and they came over and gave her a blessing. She hyperventaled and shook for about 45 minutes. I was so scared.

After this I just reevaluated who I am and what is important in life. I going to do tons of homework tonight, but I ended up staying with Lacey for 3 hours. I love having my brother close enough to come and help out with things like this. I love that he's a worthy Priesthood Holder, who can ask God to perform miracles, at any given moment.

I hope I get the chance to live like I was dieing. Every moment of every day to be watching and helping and giving every piece of me.

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