
Count Down

38 Days until I leave....A rough Schedule:

first week: Stay in Rexburg (get my passport, shots, temple recommend, sell my housing contract, figure out refund for school, say goodbye)

second week: Transport from Rexburg to Rupert to Utah--Go through the temple (I think somewhere in Utah)--General Conference

third week: Fly to Ohio, Indiana (hang out with the sistas Oct. 10-17)

fourth week: Come home from Ohio and finish buying everything I need

fifth week: Talk in church (October 21), Celebrate my birthday (october 24), milk cows, visit family

sixth week: Say goodbye--Enter MTC (October 31)


Kami said...

I usually do pretty well with math but it appears I have an extra week added to my schedule that I don't really have. There's only 5 weeks and 2 days left. hmm. It's a good thing this is only a rough estimate.

Net said...

Srnce you are short a week, that doesn't mean the Ohio/Indiana trip is out, right? We would love to have you come visit.

Net said...

That should say "Since", but I am sure you knew what I meant.

Laurie said...

Kami, when do you come for a week to hang out with this sista'? I feel cheated! I didn't like this post though because now it looks like you really are leaving and I excited for you but sad for me.