

My mom hates punk music. Okay in reality, she dislikes any kind of music that isn't church related. She's even pretty picky about the church music she listens to. So growing up I had to pretty selective about the music I listened to while she was in the house or in the car with me. In High School, I liked punk bands. Possibly because it was the cool thing to do and possibly because it was new. But I couldn't listen to it very often because my mom didn't like it until I found Relient K. And then I justified it by telling my mom they were a "Christian" rock band and they wouldn't have bad music they're "Christians." haha I was so silly. My mom still didn't let us listen to them, but they did become one of my favorite punk bands. And now I laugh, but they do have a new CD coming out and if you want to listen to one of their songs go to this website: http://www.myspace.com/relientk

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