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I slide in the dirt trying to score a goal yesterday. I didn't score; however, it was lucky the goalie scored for me on accident. Haha. The nurses today told me my knee was "weeping" that's why if you take a close look you can see yellow and clear puss oozing out. It looked worse yesterday...believe me.
Brother Grant inspires me. I want to be just like him. He's my hero. He motivates me to conquer all my fears. To act and not be acted upon. To dig deeper and stop wasting valuable time simply on entertainment. Today he inspired me to take chances on relationships. To love more because I can and what else is there to life. Life is based on experiences. The people. The places. Take advantage of what you've been given. Ask the handsomest guy to go on a walk. Break down personal walls within yourself and go outside your norm. Why not? What have you got to lose? Life is for learning. Learn, understand, and then apply the knowledge. If you don't apply then learning was pointless. Do your best and if you fail you fail. But think of the great lessons you've learned from the experience in failing. A lifetime of greatness awaits...I already started conquering my fears. I went to my crush's house tonight, but he wasn't there. He doesn't even know me, but he will soon. Live life. Take chances. Go out on a limb. Then smile.
I can't stop smiling, all day...I don't even know why. It's kind of been a lame, but smiling kind of day. I did homework all day, and I feel like I've been crying all day because I have that weird stuffy headache and stuffy nose. But the overall feeling is amazing. I love this day. The sunshine. The people. The laughter. The random memories flowing through my head. The learning. Exercising with the roomies. Eating a strange concoction of vegetables from Bernice's garden. Sweating like a pig. Rexburg Unplugged craze. Chocolate chips festival. And I can't stop smiling cuz the days not over. I'm going to play tag in the caves and my sister's going to come with me. It's days like this that build your testimony because you know Heavenly Father must love you to allow you to be a part of this day.
Early Wednesday morning I woke up with the intent of being the first person to get to Albertson's to buy 10 boxes of cereal for 10 dollars. I ended up buying 20 because I figured I'd give 15 away. I've only given 6 boxes away and I can't part with the rest...haha. Perfect I love cereal now. I've eaten a different kind every day so far. Uhh in search for a picture I ran into the coolest cafe ever. All they sell is cereal in a cafe. It's amazingly insane. It makes me laugh. Why??
Why do people have to die?Because it makes life important.