I don’t want to say goodbye to you ever.
I want you in my life forever.
But I know that desire is nearly impossible.
It’s not what was meant to be.
You were sent here at this time in my life for a purpose
And I was sent to yours.
But it wasn’t meant to be for forever.
I don’t want to say goodbye.
So I hold on too tight.
And I contact you as much as possible.
I just want these memories to last forever.
Because I know one day we will be apart.
Perhaps thousands and thousands of miles apart.
I don’t want to say goodbye,
But my journey in life was not meant to be in unison with yours.
And so one day we will separate,
And the strength you’ve given me will radiate to everyone I meet.
I will talk of you and tell them of how I once had a friend like you:
A best friend whose testimony is apparent to everyone.
And soon I’ll learn that we’ll never have to say goodbye
Because I know that no matter how far apart we live
It will only be for a small moment.
So until we meet again remember that I love you
And I will never forget the part you play in my life.
Я люблю Вас. Каждый я хочу поцеловать Вас и обнять Вас. О Рождество - завтра (я пою). И я собираюсь петь целый день. Поскольку это - прекрасный день, чтобы любить каждого. С Рождеством Христовым. Долгосрочной службы Америка. Счастливое Рождество. Конец.
oh great
So for my research paper in English 315 I decided to go out on a ledge and write a paper about something I am passionate about and emotionally connected with. And so I wrote about how English is not taught correctly. I had to give a presentation on it in front of the class and it was awful because I was so nervous. I was nervous about what my professor would think about my subject because it totally contridicted his teaching style. So I completely messed up and my powerpoint didn't work so I winged it. I am still so scared, but I shouldn't be because why should I care what my teacher thinks. oh great.
Why English
Have you ever wondered why the Restoration of the Gospel was restored in the English language? Of all languages why English? I feel like English is the most confusing language to learn. So here's some ideas I've had. Perhaps it was because English is a mixing pot language where so many other words influenced its stucture and so it was easier to interprete as correctly as possible into other languages. Another thought I had was perhaps it was the last language for the gospel to be taught in, therefore, it was the first in this dispensation. If it even was a language back then. And that's all I thought. But I still wonder why English? There has to be a reason. And why are we the only nation who uses the wrong metric system to measure things? America, America...gotta love it.

$44 Package to Russia
4 Green Christmas Cups
4 Red Santa Straws
2 Ribbons
5 Burnt Christmas CD's
Bag of Fake Snow
Red and Silver Tinsel
Case of Peppermint Sticks
70 Candy Canes
Red Christmas Sweater (haha...i didn't send it cuz I wanted it to come back to USA and why would I send something that has to be packed up and brought back in 2 weeks)
**I'm not confident this is exact, but as accurate as I can remember.
4 Green Christmas Cups
4 Red Santa Straws
2 Ribbons
5 Burnt Christmas CD's
Bag of Fake Snow
Red and Silver Tinsel
Case of Peppermint Sticks
70 Candy Canes
Red Christmas Sweater (haha...i didn't send it cuz I wanted it to come back to USA and why would I send something that has to be packed up and brought back in 2 weeks)
**I'm not confident this is exact, but as accurate as I can remember.
Making a List
Fort Making
Snow Shoeing
Road Trip
Bridge Jumping
Tye Dye
Get a fish/plant
Rock Climbing
R Mountain
Table Rock
Night Skiing
Skinny Dipping
Temple once a month
Poetry Night
Summer Fun @ Kami's cousin
Kates house
Apt. Dinner
Slack lining
Snow Boarding
Wrestle Mania
Make Bread
Make and deliver cookies
Kiss a Boy (Gina only)
Fly Fishing
A night at the Symphony
Dinner with no hands
Sushi Bash
Salsa Sunday
Snow Camping
Eat Shark Tip
Pull-up on Door
Palm Reading
VooDoo Doctor
Run Marathon
Stay up 36 hours
Make a Movie
Make a Kite
Snow Shoeing
Road Trip
Bridge Jumping
Tye Dye
Get a fish/plant
Rock Climbing
R Mountain
Table Rock
Night Skiing
Skinny Dipping
Temple once a month
Poetry Night
Summer Fun @ Kami's cousin
Kates house
Apt. Dinner
Slack lining
Snow Boarding
Wrestle Mania
Make Bread
Make and deliver cookies
Kiss a Boy (Gina only)
Fly Fishing
A night at the Symphony
Dinner with no hands
Sushi Bash
Salsa Sunday
Snow Camping
Eat Shark Tip
Pull-up on Door
Palm Reading
VooDoo Doctor
Run Marathon
Stay up 36 hours
Make a Movie
Make a Kite
Road Trip
I want go on a road trip soon....but I haven't found a purpose in going....so I wonder if it'll happen.
Fun Fact--I'm so interested!
The QWERTY keyboard layout was devised in the 1860s by Christopher Sholes, a newspaper editor who lived in Milwaukee, who was also the creator of the first modern typewriter. Originally, the characters on the typewriters he invented were arranged alphabetically, set on the end of a metal bar which struck the paper when its key was pressed. However, once an operator had learned to type at speed, the bars attached to letters that lay close together on the keyboard became entangled with one another, forcing the typist to manually unstick the typebars, and also frequently blotting the document. Sholes decided that the best way out of the difficulty was to find out which letters were most used in the English language, and then to re-site them on the keyboard as far from each other as possible. This had the effect of reducing the speed, and, by doing so, lessened the chance of clashing type bars. In this way was born the QWERTY keyboard, named after the first six letters on the top line.
Today was amazing. I saw the prophet with my own eyes. I heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with my own ears. It was powerful. I have never felt such a strong testimony of the prophet or of the Savior. It's real. This church is real and the prophet is a real person. I saw him. I was in his presence. I heard his testimony for the first time sitting in front of him. And the music felt more powerful than ever. I have no idea why. I love this feeling. It's incredible. I know, I know he is a prophet of God. I knew it before, but not like this. I didn't think it would be so different, but it is. Sometimes during the Christmas devotional I couldn't focus on what the speakers were saying because I was trying to fathom the reality of it all. They're real people, with real personalities and I saw them. I saw them and heard them. It makes me want to share my testimony with everyone.
Was it crazy? Yes
Was it worth it? Yes
Was it crazy? Yes
Was it worth it? Yes
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